2812, 2014
The Dance Card
Life is a dance. Finding Love is a dance. Expressive, [...]
2912, 2014
Life is a Dance
My life dancing in the stars. Betrayed after 30 years [...]
2912, 2014
DAY ONE: The Announcement
It has been eight years since that first day of [...]
3012, 2014
DAY TWO: Hit Over The Head By A Two By Four
The night was long. This day would be longer. I [...]
3112, 2014
DAY THREE: The Invisible 30 Years
The disruption of the normal days rushed in like the [...]
101, 2015
The days were creeping along so slowly. Examining my once [...]
201, 2015
DAY FIVE: Listless
The fetal position was all I knew.. Knees to the [...]
301, 2015
DAY SIX: Melancholy
How does time seem to stop when suffering. Those minutes [...]
401, 2015
Time is a cure all? Cure all to what? The [...]
701, 2015
DAY EIGHT: Despair
Indifference to the change in my life. Isolated to the [...]